Articles on: Marketing Agency's

How Do I Whitelabel My Account?

How Do I Whitelabel My Account?

White labeling the Visual Part of Agency Branding

If you are a marketing agency using ActiveDEMAND as infrastructure to market for your clients, you can remove ActiveDEMAND branding from the platform and show your brand across your fleet of clients.

You can have your logo displayed on the top toolbar and login screens:

This logo is set in your account settings (<Administration, <Account settings)

Ensure the image is a transparent png that is 400px x 84 px.

Branding Notification Emails in client accounts

You have access to your agency brand in all sub-accounts. To set up your agency brand, in your agency account, go to <Assets, <Brands

Here you can set your logo, color scheme, tag line, etc.

For a more thorough review on setting up your brand (or additional brands) you can review this video on the basics of settings up brands in ActiveDEMAND:

Setting Up Your Brand in ActiveDEMAND (Video)

Creating Agency-branded Lead Notification Templates

When you create a new sub-account, and you use your template account as the blueprint, all of your email notifications are linked to your master account templates.

To make sure all lead notification emails contain the information only about the agency brand and to customize the text of the Lead Notification Email Templates, a customer needs to create their own lead notification templates in their agency account under Assets = Email Template Library. Ensure the 'visibility' checkbox is checked:

To ensure your agency brand is being referenced in a client account, in the client account settings, set the "Lead Notification Brand" to agency brand (Administration = Account Settings) on a client account. All lead notifications that are sent using a template that is 'linked' to a system template or one of the email templates in the agency master account, will use this brand.

To have the login links for the agency account and sub-accounts white-labeled, a client must have SSL white-labeling set for the agency domain.

Contact if you want to set up SSL. Please be aware this takes a couple of days to set up.

White-labeled login links for sub-accounts have to be added to the agency domain.

White labeling User Confirmation/Password Reset Emails

To Whitelabel user confirmation and password reset emails, a client needs to set the correct "Lead Notification Brand" under Administration = Account Settings:

Send Technical Errors To An Agency Employee

The client needs to check that the sub-account Technical Contact is an agency employee, not an agency-client employee. This can be set under Administration = Account Settings = Technical Contact drop-down:

White-labeling Reports

It is a good practice to make sure the Default UTM Source is set to the agency's name instead of ActiveDEMAND:

Chrome Plugin White labeling

Chrome Extension white labeling is done according to this support article: Setting Up Chrome Extension White Labeling

Updated on: 04/11/2022