Articles on: Chat and Chatbots

Using the ActiveDEMAND web chat AI Chatbot

Using the ActiveDEMAND web chat AI Chatbot

If you are looking to engage with clients directly or via automation using web chat, ActiveDEMAND's web chat system has everything you need to engage with contacts via a Web Chat interface.

When Enabled, the Web Chat widget is deployed automatically using the tracking script on your website.

Setting up the tracking script for your website

Package Availability
The Webchat features are available in the Small Business Marketer and Corporate Marketer packages

Configuring The Web Chat Widget

You can have multiple configurations for the web chat widget. This allows you to customise what the chat will look like and display based on the specific web page the chat renders on. The configuration of the Web Chat widget can be accessed under your Administration menu item

The 'target' is the set of of pages that the specific configuration will be applied to

The configurations are matched from the top down (i.e. if the current visitor page does not match configuration 1's targeting, it will move on to configuration 2)

Appearance Tab
Enable/Disable the web chat (if enabled, it will automatically deploy using the tracking script)
Placement of the webchat on the website (left bottom or right bottom)
Name of the attendant
The byline
Brand (sets up the colours)
Chat visibility options
Avatar icon
Page visibility options

The web chat widget uses the selected brand's Button styles for the header colour and the attendant message colour.

You can set up a greeting message that will be users will see when a new chat is initiated

Starting Message
Starting form (optional)
Form Field Prompt
Add Form Field

Learn About Using Chat Forms & Automating Chat in ActiveDEMAND

Engaging with Contacts

You can either engage with prospects using:

Direct Communication

Direct Communication

To engage directly with prospects you can use the Conversations Inbox

Click Here for Using the Communication Inbox

Automating Communication

There is a workflow action that can be used to automate engagement with contacts.

This workflow message, uses the in-process contact to define a message. It posts the message to the web chat widget for that contact. You can use dynamic terms to construct a message that uses the contact's state to deliver the right message

The History Items Generated

There are two important history items that are generated with chat engagement:


Whenever a message is recorded, a WebChat message history item is created. The WebChatMessage. An important attribute of the WebChatMessage history item is the 'Role'.

Role: this is the role of the contact that posted the message. It can be one of

Role: User This is someone who is on the website engaging with the live chat.

Role: Attendant This is someone with a user account and is logged into ActiveDEMAND and posting messages from within the platform

Role: System This is a message posted using automation (workflow action)

WebchatDiscussion: A WebChatDicussion history item is recorded, at most, once per hour. This history item collects the entire set of WebChatMessages that occur during one hour for a given contact. This is designed to summarise a chat when delivering chat notifications to CRMs or summarising a chat with a contact.

The WebChatDiscussion history item is usually used as the trigger for a sales lead notification workflow (as you do not want to bother sales with every message that is posted)

Google Analytics Events Posted

ActiveDEMAND will automatically post a WebChatMessage event to Google Analytics for every WebChatMessage history item and a WebChat event for every WebChatDIscussion history item generated.

Setting Up Automation

You could consider creating a campaign sequence that uses a contact history = web chat message as a starting step:

The starting step you want is 'New Contact Activity'

And the query you want to use as the starting step is 'WebChatDiscussion'. This history type is created whenever a NEW conversation happens (initiated by either the prospect or an attendant). This history item is created, at most, 1 time per hour. Thus all messages that go on after the WebChatDiscussion will be captured with this history item.

You could then use ChatGPT to respond to the incoming query

This dynamic term would insert the last webchat message into your ChatGPT query


Using a closed loop will ensure the contact does not leave the workflow and continues the conversation

Updated on: 09/09/2024