Articles on: Creating Campaigns

How to Integrate and Post to LinkedIn

How to Post to LinkedIn from ActiveDEMAND

Integrating ActiveDEMAND with your company LinkedIn profile is super easy. Once complete you are able to automate LinkedIn posts through Newsletter Campaigns, Generic Campaigns, and also for your Event Campaigns.

How To Integrate

To integrate simply add your LinkedIn Profile in Third Party Application under Integrations within your Account Settings:

How To Post

Step 1: To post to LinkedIn within a campaign, simply click and drag the LinkedIn action icon to the date of your preference, specify a campaign name, and click save:

Step 2: Configure your posting by clicking on "Scheduling" and selecting the editor pencil for your posting. Here you MUST enter in the URL, Title, and Description in order for your post to be complete. Once done click save and your post is ready to go out on the scheduled date:

Updated on: 18/11/2022