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How do I use Trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

How do I use Trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

ActiveDEMAND automatically tracks all links created in email campaigns and provides reporting on the link clicks:

How do I use trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

If you want to track a link as part of an ActiveDEMAND campaign that will be placed on a third party website, you can create a Trackable Link under Campaign Assets Trackable Links:

How do I use Trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

How do I use trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

When a new link is added under Campaign Assets, a "Shortened URL" will be generated. The "Shortened URL" has to be placed on a button or as a link on a third party website where you want to track it.

How do I use trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

You will find the statistics for campaign-specific Trackable Link clicks on third party websites in Campaign Reports (Drip Campaign Report, Email Campaign Report).

A list of all Trackable Links used in your account within all campaigns can be found under AssetsTrackable Links:

How do I use trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

There is an option to add a new Trackable link under AssetsTrackable Links as well, but the statistics for the links that were NOT added to a specific campaign are only available in the "WEBSITE VISITS VIA SHARED LINKS" widget:

How do I use trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

Because ActiveDEMAND automatically tracks all links inside of campaign e-mails adding a trackable link to an e-mail within a campaign is unnecessary.

There are cases when you want to track a file download. For the Corporate Marketer package ActiveDEMAND offers an easy and simple way to force online users to complete a form before accessing the hosted file called "Gated Files". You can find detailed guidance on how to use this feature here:

How do I set up Protected Assets (Gated Files)?

For Small Business Marketer package, you can use the "Files" instead. This feature is under your account Assets.

If your intention is to send a single email that you want to track, ActiveDEMAND Chrome Extension/Outlook plugin is an outstanding solution. Emails can be sent directly from your Gmail or Outlook account, and all the information about Email opens and link clicks will be visible on the contact's timeline in ActiveDEMAND.

How do I use trackable links in ActiveDEMAND?

Here you can find detailed information about Gmail Tracking:

Download ActiveDEMAND Chrome extension:

Using ActiveDEMAND Outlook plugin:

Finally, you can also share a link with your visitor over email/sms/business card, etc. that would be tracked and tied to this person specifically by using ActiveDEMAND Personal URLs:

Getting Started with Personal URLs (PURLS)

Updated on: 03/11/2022