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Appointment Calendar Dashboard and Colour Codes

The Appointment Calendar Dashboard Widget

If you want an overview of all appointments on your dashboard, you can use the "All Appointments" widget. If you just want your own appointments, use the "My Appointments" widget instead.

Calender Dashboard

Appointment Colour Coding:

Red: Cancelled
Blue: Future, confirmed by contact
Orange: Future, not confirmed
Green: In Progress or attended (if in the past)
Grey: Marked as missed

How can I see who scheduled appointments with my business?

The Calendar owner and the prospect will receive emails about the upcoming meetings
Using the Appointment Calendar widget you can view all the appointments in your account
On the contact's Timeline you can see the meeting details

How can I cancel an appointment?

The prospects can cancel the appointment from there end by clicking the Cancel button on the confirmation email they were sent, or on the view appointment details landing page.
You can cancel the appointment by editing the contact and clicking the Cancel button on the Timeline.

Appointment scheduling dynamic terms:
Cancel an appointment: %APPOINTMENT.CANCEL_URL%
Confirm an appointment: %APPOINTMENT.CONFIRM_URL%
Mark appointment as missed: %APPOINTMENT.MISSED_URL%
View an appointment details: %APPOINTMENT.VIEW_URL%
Mark an appointment as attended (we assume by default it was attended unless you mark it missed): %APPOINTMENT.ATTENDED_URL%

Updated on: 16/09/2022

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