Why Are Appointments Automatically Being Cancelled in ActiveDEMAND?
Why Are Appointments Automatically Being Cancelled in ActiveDEMAND?
Some email applications have a feature that automatically follows links in all emails.
If you find that appointments are automatically being cancelled in ActiveDEMAND without the prospect cancelling, it is likely that the "Cancel Appointment Link" in the confirmation email is being followed (auto-clicked) by the recipient's email client.
Here is how to troubleshoot and see if this is the case:
1. Check the contact activity history of:
The Calendar Owner
The Prospect
2. Filter by "EmailLinkClick"
3. Look for any link clicks that point to the appointment cancellation page:
If there is a link to the appointment cancellation page and this link was not clicked by the contact/employee, then it is likely a bot click.
4. Navigate to the email that contains the appointment cancellation link. Remove the cancellation button/link from the email to prevent auto-clicks:
5. The appointment can be cancelled from the "View Appointment" page instead (%APPOINTMENT.VIEW_URL%)
"View Appointment" page:
Updated on: 19/09/2022
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