Articles on: FAQ's

Why is the preview data/image not showing when posting ActiveDEMAND landing pages to social media?

Why is the preview data/image not showing when posting ActiveDEMAND landing pages to social media?

When posting to Social Media you may see incorrect or no preview data/images - Facebook and LinkedIn automatically generate the title, description, and image URL for your link posts based off of meta properties embedded within your website's code. If these attributes are not set, Facebook will guess which image, title, etc. to use, which may lead to undesirable results. However, you can use meta tags to manually specify which of these attributes will be used for a link to your site, you must insert custom meta tags in the HTML code of your site.

Example Meta Tags:

<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Title Here" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Description Here" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />

These meta tags can be inserted in the Head Script Tag of your landing page:

Why is the preview data/image not showing when posting ActiveDEMAND landing pages to social media?

Facebook's article explaining link customisation:

Facebook Link Customisation

Facebook has a debugger to test your link posts:

Facebook Sharing Debugger

LinkedIn's article on sharing urls:

Making Your Website Shareable on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has an inspector to test your link posts:

LinkedIn Post Inspector

Updated on: 04/11/2022