Articles on: FAQ's

Why are my CNAME Records not propagating?

Why are my CNAME Records not propagating?

When setting up CNAME records, it takes time for them to propagate. How long? Usually a couple of hours. If they have not propagated in 24 hours, it typically means the CNAME record settings are wrong. ActiveDEMAND polls the DNS settings for your domain looking for the records being set. To check to see if the records are set, you can use a tool like NSLOOKUP:

If the records are set, you will see record in the listing. If they re not set, then you will have to review the settings in your DNS tool.

If you are using Cloudflare, here are a couple external links that may help to sort out propagation issues:

Why is my subdomains CNAME record not propagating with Cloudflare

Setting up a CNAME record with Cloudflare

Updated on: 11/11/2022

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