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What is Preview text in Emails and how do I use it?

What is Preview text in Emails and how do I use it?

Preview text is a snippet of text that is typically displayed near the subject line of an email depending on the email client (ie. Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, iPhone, etc). The purpose of the Preview text is to help email recipients better determine the topic of the email.

Since email subscribers spend only a few seconds deciding whether to read an email, the Preview text can help improve open rates.

Using Preview text in ActiveDEMAND

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when using Preview text:

Always include Preview text for emails. If you don’t, the default text may be something like “View this email in a browser” or something else. Customizing the Preview text will help improve open rates.
Limit your Preview text to 100 characters or less.
Get creative and include a call-to-actions in your Preview.

You can access the Preview text of any email within ActiveDEMAND by visiting the specific email’s preview box

Updated on: 27/10/2022