Articles on: Marketing Automation

Setting up the tracking script for your website

Note: if you are using WordPress, we recommend that you install the tracking script using our WordPress plugin. If you are not using WordPress, but are using Google Tag Manager, you can view the Google Tag Manager install instructions here.

Note: If you are using the Wordpress plugin and have multiple ActiveDEMAND accounts running on the same website, you might want to consider enabling the 'Is Multi-Account' option.

Setting up the tracking script for your website

A powerful feature of ActiveDEMAND is its ability to collect and report on online activity associated with your contacts. Connecting your website to ActiveDEMAND is relatively simple.

Add your account tracking script to every page of your website. The tracking script can be found in your account settings.

Note: We have changed the format of the script. The OLD system used a universal script that was the same for all accounts.

Using the NEW format, each account has a UNIQUE script. The unique script can be found in the account settings of your account.

The script should be located directly BEFORE the closing head tag.

/* a bunch of scripts and html */
[insert ActiveDEMAND tracking script here]
Many Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Joomla and Drupal (or others) often include an interface that allows users to add a tracking code to all pages.

If you're not certain how to add the script to your website, contact your website administrator or the ActiveDEMAND support team.

Note: ActiveDEMAND will only track form submits and visits from the domain configured in your account. If you are trying to work on a development site, please contact ActiveDEMAND Support.

Updated on: 17/09/2022