Articles on: Marketing Automation

Integrating ActiveDEMAND with your website/email server

Integrating ActiveDEMAND with your website/email server

In order to get the most out of ActiveDEMAND your must set up trust relationships between your domains and ActiveDEMAND. To do proper tracking and improve deliver-ability of our emails using ActiveDEMAND, the following DNS records should be added.

Find the page where you can create records for your domain.

Sign in to your DNS hosting provider's website.
Select your domain.
Find the page where you can edit DNS records for your domain. This may be something like DNS Management, Name Server Management, or Advanced Settings
You will need to add the following CNAME records. To add a CNAME record:

Create a new CNAME record.
Copy the values given below and put into the empty record.
Save the record.

Record type: CNAME
Host: www2
Points to:

Record type: CNAME
Host: link
Points to:

You can also find these CNAME records under Administration > Account Settings > Account Setup > View Whitelabeling

Whitelebeling for DNS Settings

Find Your CNAME Records

If you are using ActiveDEMAND for email marketing, then on that same screen as above you will see three other CNAME records. These are your custom CNAME records for your email deliverability. Make sure to add these as well.

Deliverability CNAME's

Lastly, for email deliverability you should consider adding an SPF record to your DNS settings. This isn't always required, however there is no harm in doing it for added assurance that emails will be delivered.

To add this record to your DNS settings you will create a TXT record in the same place as where you added your CNAME records.

If you don't have an existing TXT/SPF record, then you will make one that looks like this:

v=spf1 mx a ?all

SPF Record

If you already have an existing TXT/SPF record, then you will need to modify it to include the active demand SPF record so that is looks like the example below - where already existed as an SPF record:

v=spf1 mx a ?all

Here is what an existing SPF record would look like after adding the ActiveDEMAND SPF record to it. If you have more than one SPF record, they should all be included in the same TXT entry as shown below. Note that this example uses CloudFlare, however most DNS hosts will be similar.

Multiple SPF

Updated on: 20/09/2022