Articles on: Marketing Automation

Setting Up Sales Lead Notifications

Setting Up Sales Lead Notifications

It is great that people are filling out your forms, calling your company, etc ... how do you tell the salespeople about this wonderful work that you are doing as a marketer? Sales Notifications!

When a form is filled out, several things happen. First, the contact in the ActiveDEMAND Database is created/updated with the form information. Now two workflows are executed:

Autoresponder (this workflow controls the message sent to your prospect) Workflow
Lead Notification Workflow (notifies you/your sales team about the form fill).

Autoresponder Workflow

Every form in ActiveDEMAND has an autoresponder workflow. The autoresponder workflow is configured either directly in the Form Builder, or via the Autoresponder workflow (Automation-Autoresponders).

For those with Small Business Marketer products, When a form is filled out, emails are sent to every internal contact who has a valid email address and is listed as an employee of your account and is on the Sales Distribution contact list. For Corporate Marketer users, sales leads can be directed to specific teams or individuals

Sales Distribution List.

It is important to note, this is an internal list. Only people who are employees of your account (i.e. are in the list Administration, <Account Settings, <Employees) and are in the Sales Distribution List will receive notifications when a conversion occurs.

The Sales Distribution List must have an Audience Type of "Sales Team":

Sales Team - Audience Type

Steps to add someone to the Sales Distribution List

If not already in the account, add the contact as an employee of the account (<Administration, <Account Settings, <Employees-[Add Employee])

Edit the employee contact (click the pencil icon by the employee contact in the Employee list)
Click on the Contact Details tab
Scroll down to Contact Lists
Click 'Add To List'
Select Sales Distribution
For those with Corporate Marketer or who are Agency Partners

Sales Lead Notification Workflow

There can be multiple lead workflows (Automation-Lead Processing) for processing different types of lead notifications. By default, there is a separate Phone Notifications workflow (Phone Call Notifications) and one for all other types of conversions (Sales Lead Notifications). Depending on your account type, these workflows may/may not be editable. By default, all conversions trigger an email to be sent via the Sales Lead Notifications workflow.

Sales Lead Automation

Note: The Sales Notifications workflow is only editable if you have a Corporate Marketer package or if you are an Agency Partner. You can still control who gets leads using the Sales Distribution contact list, but the distribution workflow is read-only for all package types other than Corporate Marketer

Note: If your Sales Distribution List is empty, every time someone fills out a form, your technical contact will get an email stating that an error has occurred.

Updated on: 19/09/2022