Articles on: Marketing Automation

How Do I use ValueTrack Parameters in ActiveDEMAND?

How Do I use ValueTrack Parameters in ActiveDEMAND?

If you are using Google Ads, you can take advantage of using ValueTrack parameters to pass extra data to ActiveDEMAND to aid in your reporting and tracking.

Set up or edit a tracking template with ValueTrack parameters at the account level in your Google Adwords account
Click the Settings menu on the left hand navigation.
In the top menu, click Account Settings.
Click Tracking.

New Adwords:

Google Ads Screen

Next to "Tracking template," click the blank field.
Enter {lpurl}, a question mark, and then any ValueTrack parameters you want to use, separated by ampersands (&).

Here is a good example that you can use:



Campaign label: campaign

Placement label: placement

AdGroup label: adgroup

Keyword label: keyword

Device label: device

Click Save.

As the format of the parameters are:


for example


the label here is 'kywd', google will replace the parameter placeholder {keyword} with the keyword data related to the ad click.

In ActiveDEMAND you can customise the labels of some of the more commonly used parameters. If you set up the labels in ActiveDEMAND, ActiveDEMAND will capture and store the data in the parameter for the visitor. This data is used in reporting and can be accessed via dynamic fields in emails.

To configure the custom ValueTrack parameters in ActiveDEMAND, go to your account settings (Administration->Account Settings), find the Google Integration and fill in your custom labels

Example Template

For the example template



Campaign label: campaign

Placement label: placement

AdGroup label: adgroup

Keyword label: keyword

Device label: device

The settings in AD are:


You can access the data using dynamic fields in your emails and landing pages:






This is a good reference article on all the ValueTrackparameters by Google

This article explains how to use the query builder to reference value track parameters

Updated on: 24/09/2022