Articles on: FAQ's

How do I update/delete a user login account or employee?

How do I update/delete a user login account or employee?

If you have the appropriate account type (Agency Marketer or Corporate Marketer) and you have user account management permissions, then you can easily add or delete user logins to your ActiveDEMAND account, or your ActiveDEMAND client account (for agencies).

The user administration is done in the account settings for the specific (client)account (Administration > Account Settings > Employees):

Account settings

You will see three icons for each employee. If the employee does not have a user account, the icons will look like this:

Icons will look like this

To add a new user account click the user icon with the plus sign. After you set their permissions and save, they will be sent a confirmation email that will prompt them to set their password.

they will be sent a confirmation email that will prompt them to set their password.

If the employee has a user account, then the icons will look like this:

the icons will look like this

To update/manage the user permissions click the user icon:

click the user icon

which will bring up this dialog:

Account login

Depending on your permission set, the above set of permissions will vary slightly. You can only manage those permissions for which you have permission to edit. You can delete the user account by clicking The Delete button.

Key things to note:

A user that has the "User Account Administration" permission enabled (only available to Administrators) will be able to edit other user's permissions, but not their own.
Users can only grant other users permissions that they themselves have. In other words, a user without the Edit/Delete trackable numbers permission will not be able to give other users this permission.

To delete a user account, select the "Delete" button on the user profile:

Select delete on user profile

To delete the employee, select the following icon:

select the following icon

This will convert the employee to a regular contact.

Note: If you convert an employee to a regular contact, you will also need to change their email address to an email address that does not use an Associated Email Domain.

If the contact has an email address that uses an Associated Email Domain and "Auto Map Email Domains to Organisation Names" is checked in Account Settings, they will revert back to an employee.

"Auto Map Email Domains to Organisation Names"

Associated Email Domains

Updated on: 03/12/2022

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