Articles on: FAQ's

How do I remove a contact from a drip campaign?

How do I remove a contact from a drip campaign?

There are several ways that Contacts leave drip campaigns

They complete a goal that is set to terminate the journey
The contact runs out of actions (they fall out)
A Wait action is deleted when that a contact is currently queued in
Removed by an ActiveDEMAND user
The contact no longer meets the campaign entrance criteria
For user-triggered campaigns, the contact is removed using a 'Remove From Campaign' workflow action

1. Removing contact using a goal completion

All drip campaigns have an optional setting on the overview page "Stop processing prospects that have completed a goal':

Remove a contacts by Goal completion

If this is set, as soon as a contact completes any goal configured in the drip campaign, the prospect leaves the campaign

2. Contact falls out of the campaign

If a contact flows through the last step of a drip campaign, or they follow a path that ends (i.e. a decision that has no following steps) the contact will exit the campaign.

3. A Wait action is removed

If a Contact is queued in a wait state in the drip campaign, and the wait action is removed from the campaign, the user will drop out of the campaign

4. Removed by an ActiveDEMAND user

Any user who has access to ActiveDEMAND (API, or using extensions), can remove any contact from any drip campaign. Additionally, a marketer can use the Bulk Edit (Contacts, <All Contacts, <Select contacts) to remove a contact from any drip campaign, regardless of whether it is a user-triggered or not. A great way to see what drip campaigns a contact is currently is in (and remove a contact from any drip campaign) by viewing the contact's edit page.

5. The Contact no longer meets the campaign entrance conditions

For campaigns that start with a 'contact changed' or 'Added to List' starting step. an option is exposed that allows you to remove a contact that no longer meets the entrance conditions

6. The Contact is removed via a 'Remove From Campaign' workflow action

For campaigns that use the 'User Triggered' starting step, you can use the workflow action 'Remove from Campaign' to configure campaign exists using workflow actions

Updated on: 10/10/2022