Articles on: FAQ's

How do I insert icons into my content blocks?

How do I insert icons into my content blocks?

Font Awesome is a collection of icons that ActiveDEMAND users can use within landing pages. Specifically, Font Awesome gives you scalable vector based icons that can instantly be customised including size, color, drop shadow and other characteristics.

Using Font Awesome Icons in ActiveDEMAND

To insert a Font Awesome icon into text within your landing page, simply select the "Insert/Edit Icon" button from the WYSIWYG HTML editor as shown below.

How do I insert icons into my content blocks?

Available Options

There are several options available when using Font Awesome icons. There are:

Size: The size parameter determines the size of the icon. There are six sizes to choose from:

a. Normal
b. Large
c. Large X2
d. Large X3
e. Large X4
f. Large X5

Rotation: The rotation parameter will rotate the icon. The options are:

a. None
b. Rotate 90
c. Rotate 180
d. Rotate 270

Border: Check the box to apply a border to the icon.

Spin: Select this option to continually spin the icon in a clockwise direction.

Flipped: Select from two options to flip the icon:
a. Horizontally
b. Vertically

Updated on: 16/10/2022

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