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How Do I Edit a Form Autoresponder?

How Do I Edit a Form Autoresponder?

Every form in ActiveDEMAND has an associated autoresponder workflow that gets triggered when the form is submitted. Whether it is via an external webform, an API call, or via a landing page, the workflow will run. The workflow is accessible from various locations in ActiveDEMAND.

Directly from the form editor: When editing the form, there is an autoresponders tab in the UI.
From the Automation -> Autoresponders section of ActiveDEMAND. Find the reference, either via the URL if the form is on a landing page, or via the FORM name, if it is an exported/webAPI form.
Within a campaign, if you have landing pages an Autoresponder's tab will become visible. Find the workflow via the URL of the landing page

Once you have found the workflow, if there is an 'Email Prospect' action item, click the action widget on the canvass. If there is NOT an Email Prospect widget on the canvas, drag one from the 'actions' accordion onto the canvass. Click the action once it is on the canvass. The edit slider will appear from the right. If there is a linked template, press the 'unlink' button. If there is a 'new email' button, click the button to create an email. If there is an email, press edit.

How do I edit a for autoresponder

Updated on: 18/10/2022

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