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How do I change the background color and/or background image for a Landing Page, Popup, Email Report, Email, or Dynamic Block?

How do I change the background color and/or background image for a Landing Page, Popup, Email Report, Email, or Dynamic Block?

ActiveDEMAND has a very powerful style editor. The same builder/editor is used for editing Landing Pages, Email Reports, Emails, Popups, and Dynamic Blocks. There are some variances based on which asset type you are editing, but the style system is common across all asset types.

The following levels of styles are available:

On the Asset
On the Row
On the Column
On the Content block

Asset Styles

The asset styles control the base styles for the asset. The asset background colours, base fonts etc are set in the asset style configuration screen. This is accessed in the asset editor on the right toolbar.

Asset Editor

Row Styles

Each asset is built by adding rows to the asset. Each row can have one or more columns. When you hover over an existing row on the asset, the row will be outlined and a hamburger icon will appear on the right of the row.

Row Styles

Column Styles

Each row can have one or more columns. Each column has independent styling. When you hover over a row, the row will be outlined and a hamburger icon for the row will appear on the right of the row. The column styles for the highlighted row is accessible from the hamburger icon.

Column Styles

Content Block Styles

Each column can have one or more content blocks. Each content block has its own independent styling. If you hover over a content block, a toolbar will appear over the block. The styles can be accessed by clicking the block style editor icon:

Content Block Styles

Updated on: 07/12/2022