Articles on: Marketing Automation

How do I add users (login accounts) to my ActiveDEMAND account?

How do I add users (login accounts) to my ActiveDEMAND account?

If you have the appropriate account type (Agency Marketer or Corporate Marketer) and you have a login that has the permissions that allow for user account management, then you can easily add user login accounts to your ActiveDEMAND account, or your ActiveDEMAND Sub account (for agencies). The user administration is done in the account settings (Administration->Account Settings). If you scroll down to the Employees section:

(Agency Only) Select the appropriate sub account from the top toolbar
Administration->Account Settings
Scroll down to 'Employees'
Click Add Employee to create an employee contact.
If you have the appropriate permissions level to manage user accounts, the new employee will have the following icon:

Click the + Icon

NOTE: If you do not see the '+' you do not have admin privileges on your account or your account type does not support multiple logins. Adding an employee to the account does not create a user login, you must complete the next steps.

Select the appropriate access level for the user

(Agency Only) For your client logins, consider selecting Dashboard Viewer as the permissions account.

Do not set their password. The new user will be able to set their own password

Set the appropriate timezone for the new user

When you click 'save', the new user account will be created and the user will be sent an account confirmation email. The user will be given the opportunity to set their own password upon account confirmation.

(Agency Only): Your client user login domain is listed in the account administration page:

Consider watching this video about administering dashboards in ActiveDEMAND

Updated on: 21/11/2022