Articles on: Marketing Automation

Google Tag Manager (GTM) fast and easy way to track call tracking and form fills in ActiveDEMAND

Google Tag Manager (GTM) fast and easy way to track call tracking and form fills in ActiveDEMAND

Google Tag Manager is a rapid and easy way to set up multiple client accounts in ActiveDEMAND and track phone calls and form fills for them.

This option allows you to achieve your goals with minimum setup efforts and development skills:

Track clients’ PPC campaigns to understand what is really working
Get attribution
Create Scheduled Reports
Quickly set up and manage a set of client accounts

There are only a few steps to deploy tracking with GTM.

Sign in to your ActiveDEMAND account and copy the individual tracking script from Administration > Account Settings> Account Setup.

This is the script you will need to use in your Google Tag Manager account.

In Google Tag Manager:
Login to Google Tag Manager and choose the appropriate container
Create a new tag
Give the tag a name to relate it to ActiveDEMAND
Choose tag type: Custom HTML
Paste in the ActiveDEMAND tracking code
Add Trigger: We recommend using the “All Pages” trigger for most deployments.
Save the tag
Optional, but recommended: Preview the container and check that the tag fires when you go to the website.
Submit and publish with a changelog describing what you added

Collecting Form Conversions
There are two types of forms that ActiveDEMAND works with: Internal forms built inside ActiveDEMAND platform and External forms that already exist on your website (Virtual Form Submits).

If you are using ActiveDEMAND native forms, no extra steps are required to collect data for the form submits.

If your form was NOT built inside of ActiveDEMAND, to pass the data you need to add the following snippet to your ActiveDEMAND Tag inside GTM:

<script type="text/javascript">

This is everything you need to set up the tracking!

Additional information about Virtual Form Submits: Tracking Conversions with Virtual Form Submits

Updated on: 19/10/2022