Articles on: Marketing Automation

Getting started with Data Enrichment

Getting started with Data Enrichment

ActiveDEMAND gives you the ability to add meta-data to your existing contacts and accounts. If you have an email address you can query data for a contact. If you have a website domain, you can query on an organisation.

There are several ways to execute a query for enrichment:

Using the Data Enrich button on any Contact/Organisation (the button will appear if you have the required information to execute a query)
Using the bulk edit on the All Contacts/All Organisations tables
Using the Data Enrichment workflow action in a workflow

When enriching data, the selected orgs/employees will be passed to our external provider and will use the email address or domain of the org to do a lookup. If data is found for those employees/orgs, the assets will be updated. If no data is found, no contacts/orgs will be updated. There is no guarantee that there is data available for every contact/org that you execute a request for.

Where does the data go?

ActiveDEMAND gives you full control over where the data is added/appended to your existing database. You can control the field mapping in your account settings (Administration-Account Settings-[Integrations]--Field Mappings

data enrichment

Note: There is a per lookup cost for data enrichment. The price per lookup and auto-recharge settings can be viewed the billing section of your account.

Here is a partial list of the available data elements that can be appended to your contact:

Contact Data (queried given an email address)
First name
Last name
Full formatted name of person
Gender: male or female
Most accurate location
UTC offset
Normalised city
Normalised state
Normalised country code
General latitude
General longitude
Most accurate bio we have
The person’s website
Best avatar url we have
Company name
Title at Company
Role at Company
Seniority at Company
Company domain
Facebook ID or screen name
GitHub handle
GitHub ID
GitHub avatar
GitHub company
GitHub blog url
Count of GitHub followers
Count of GitHub following
Twitter screen name
Twitter ID
Count of Twitter followers
Count of Twitter friends
Twitter location
Twitter site
Tweet countFavorite count
HTTP Twitter avatar
LinkedIn handle)
Google Plus handle handle bio avatar URL
Gravatar handle
Array of URLs from Gravatar
Gravatar main avatar url.
Avatar URLs
Fuzzy or exact search
Free email provider (i.e. Gmail)?
The time at which we indexed this data

Organisation Data Fields (queried given a domain)
Name of company
Legal name of company
Domain of company’s website
List of company domains
HTML title contents from the website
List of phone numbers from the website
List of email addresses from the website
List of market categories
Broad sector
Industry group
Sub industry
Category SIC code
Category NAICS code
Description of the company
Year company was founded
Address of company
UTC offset
Headquarters street number
Headquarters street name
Headquarters street address
Headquarters street address EU
Headquarters suite number
Headquarters city name
Headquarters state name
Headquarters state code
Headquarters postal/zip code
Headquarters country name
Headquarters country code
Headquarters latitude
Headquarters longitude
Total amount raised
Alexa’s US site rank
Alexa’s global site rank
Amount of employees
Market Cap
Annual Revenue
Month that the fiscal year ends (1-indexed)
Company’s Facebook ID
Company’s Linkedin URL
Twitter screen name
Twitter ID
Twitter Bio
Count of Twitter followers
Count of Twitter friends
Twitter location
Twitter site
HTTP Twitter avatar
Crunchbase handle
SRC of company logo
Free email provider (i.e. Gmail)?
Type of company
International headquarters phone number
Array of technology tags

Updated on: 28/09/2022