Articles on: Marketing Automation

Connecting Offline Conversions to Google Ads

Connecting Offline Conversions to Google Ads

Note: We don't recommend this solution unless you have no other options. Try to use our preconfigured or custom events for Google Analytics and import the goals from Analytics into Google Ads instead. Offline conversions do not connect to the users website session.

If you do not have administrative access to Google Analytics to create goals and integrate with Google Ads, this configuration allows you to connect directly from ActiveDEMAND to Google Ads.


Setup Google Ads Integration

In ActiveDEMAND, under Adminstration -> Account Settings, "Integrations"
Check the box next to "Automatically Post Events to Google Adwords"

In Google Ads, go to "Tools" -> Conversions

Add a new website conversion.

Give it a name of "Call/Form Fill"
Category: Lead
Value: what you value leads at

Select "Add the Tag yourself"

Post Events

Now you've added offline conversion tracking to Google Ads. Watch your Google Ads account for new conversions to start appearing.

Updated on: 25/09/2022