Articles on: Marketing Automation

Account Settings Overview

Account Settings Overview

In your account (Administration->Account Settings), there are several elements that can be set.

Business Name
Name of your business. This is referenced directly in your email footer.

Login Link Domain
This is the link for logging into your portal.

Auto Hashtag Phrases
This is the set of phrases that are used in Twitter posts that will, if detected, replaced with a hashtag.

Website URL
This is the authorised URL for the account. This URL is referenced in many places throughout your account.

Default Marketing Reply Email
Most templates reference this email address as a default.

Billing Email Address
This email is where all invoices and billing notices are sent.

Grant Support Access
ActiveDEMAND staff do not have access to the contacts in your account unless you give explicit permission.

Default Number
This number is referenced in many places throughout the product. Similar to the Default email address.

Primary Sales Contact
This is the contact that that will typically be referenced in sales lists

Primary Marketing Contact
This person is referenced in marketing lists

Technical Contact
This person receives all form submit errors.

Lead Notification Brand (agency accounts only)
This allows an agency to determine the branding used in the lead notifications and system emails.

Keep Contact Data For
For GDPR, this determines the maximum date range for keeping contact data in ActiveDEMAND.

Root Page
This is used if you are using a microsite. See this article

Page Domain
If you set up your CNAME records as per this article you will have set up a subdomain for your landing pages (''). This is where all landing pages will appear.

Link Replace Domain
When sending emails, all links will be replaced with trackable links. If you set up your CNAME records as per this article you will have set up a link subdomain (

Short URL Domain
AD has a link shortening functionality. By default, it uses the domain. You may have your own domain (which points at You can set it up there.

Spam Configuration URL
If you have someone blacklisted (Administration->Spam filtering), when a person fills out a form, they get sent to this confirmation page.

Blocked Confirmation URL
If you have blocked an Organisation checked the 'block' checkbox on an organisation), whenever someone who is an employee of the organisation, they will be redirected to this page when they fill out a form.

Updated on: 11/10/2022