Articles on: Content Cards, Hubs and Content Automation

Managing your ActiveDEMAND Content Card Library

Managing your ActiveDEMAND Content Card Library

Content Card Library

The content card library is a collection of content cards that are collected via various means throughout the platform

Filling The Card Library

There are many ways to create a Content Card.

Bulk import via a CSV File
Automatically via RSS feeds
Using campaign landing pages

1. Manually creating a Content Card
A Content Card is a very simple collection of elements that represent many types of content. Content Cards are aggregated and managed within the Content ->Content Card Library section of the platform.

2. Bulk Importing Content Cards
You can import stories using a CSV file. If you are looking to import all of your blog posts from your WordPress site, consider using a plugin like WP All Export. The Format of the CSV file can be obtained from the Import interface in ActiveDEMAND. Click the 'Import Content Cards' button

To download the CSV template, click the "Download Headers" button

Once you have your properly formatted CSV file, import the stories. Content Cards that are imported will have the 'source' set to 'manual'.

3. Importing Content Cards using RSS feeds
You can import stories by subscribing to an external RSS feed. This is a great way to import blog posts as they are created, product definitions from eCommerce platforms, etc. If you are subscribing to an RSS feed from your WordPress blog, the RSS feed does not, by default, include the feature images in the feed. If you are using the ActiveDEMAND WP plugin (version 0.2.38 or higher) , your RSS feeds will automatically have images injected into the feed.

Once you have your RSS feed set up and exposed (this is on by default with WordPress), you can set up an RSS subscription in ActiveDEMAND.

Clicking the 'New Feed' button will bring up this modal:

You will have to check with your source documentation to get the proper URL for your feed. For WordPress, the blog feed is

Be sure to set a Target Name (i.e. the name of the button for the Content Card). That is it. Once you save and activate the feed, ActiveDEMAND will pull the RSS feed and create stories. Most blog RSS feeds will give you the last 10 posts in the feed, thus if you want all the posts, you have to do an export/import as described earlier. ActiveDEMAND will poll the feed for new content 2 times per day. To manually trigger a Feed poll, deactivate, then re-activate the feed.

4. Creating Campaign Content Cards
Typically content is created in a campaign. A campaign will promote some specific action that you are looking to have prospects engage with.

This action is typically on a landing page. This is very convenient as ActiveDEMAND has landing pages in campaigns! ActiveDEMAND has made it easy to create and publish stories for your promotions, directly in the campaign interface. Thus when you create a new campaign, you can have the Content Card automatically publish on your content hub (Content Hub) when the campaign activates. As well you can have the Content Card automatically publish at the beginning of a promotion (using the promotion duration) and automatically archive once the promotion is over. Promotion duration linking is only available for calendar campaign types (not drip campaigns).

Campaign Content Card Publication
A campaign Content Card will only be displayed on a Content Hub if the associated campaign is active

In your campaign container in ActiveDEMAND, under Assets

Link the Content Card content to a campaign landing page
link the publication of the Content Card to the campaign promotion duration

1. Linking a Content Card to a campaign landing page

The CTA of most campaigns is to have a prospect visit a landing page. This is very convenient as ActiveDEMAND has landing pages in campaigns! ActiveDEMAND has made it easy to create and publish stories for your promotions, directly in the campaign interface.

If your campaign has a landing page you can link a Content Card directly to the landing page which will let the page determine the content of the Content Card. This is very useful for the cases where the campaign is going to be cloned. Cloning the campaign will ensure the related new Content Card will be published with the appropriate content.

If you choose this option, enter the name of the landing page. This name must be unique to the campaign. Thus if you have a landing page called "Register for Webinar" in this campaign:

The linked landing page will provide the following content for the Content Card:

Content Card Title: Landing page title
Content Card Excerpt: Landing page meta description
Content Card Topics: Landing page Topics
Content Card Categories: Landing page categories
Content Card Target: Landing page URL
Content Card Image: Landing page feature image

If you link the Content Card to a campaign landing page, the above elements will be read-only in the Content Card editor. To change these elements for the Content Card, you will have to edit the landing page properties:

Landing Page Topic: Landing Page Topics are used for segmenting and targeting stories displayed on a Content Cardboard.
Landing Page Category: Landing Page Categories are used for segmenting and targeting stories displayed on a Content Cardboard.
Landing Page Featured Image: This is referenced in Content Card Cards.

2. Linking the publication to the promotion duration

You can link the Content Card publish date and Content Card expiry date using dynamic terms for a linked Content Card using:

Note though, if your campaign promotion duration does not have a start date set, your Content Card will never publish. The promotion duration is set on the 'Overview' tab of the campaign:

Updating Your Content Card Library

You can edit any card in your library directly by clicking on a card in the Content Card Library

As well you can bulk edit your Content Cards. The Content Card table does have a bulk editor. This allows you to set attributes on multiple Content Cards at once. Targeting can be set on any existing Content Card. On the Content Card table, select one or more Content Cards and the Bulk Edit button will appear

Updated on: 24/07/2023