Articles on: Marketing Automation

Integrating ChatGPT With ActiveDEMAND

Integrating ChatGPT With ActiveDEMAND

ActiveDEMAND has a powerful integration with the Open AI language model ChatGPT that is available in most of the Asset builder editors in the ActiveDEMAND.

In order to use this feature, you will first have to add the integration in your account settings.

Integrating ChatGPT with ActiveDEMAND

To integrate ChatGPT with ActiveDEMAND you will need to be an Owner in ChatGPT and an Admin in ActiveDEMAND.

If you are an Agency you can add your Agency ChatGPT account to a client account, but create a separate API Key for each Client Account.

To get an API key for your ChatGPT you can either go to your account settings account, or you can go here:

Once your are logged in, Click Create New Secret Key and name the Key, for example ActiveDEMAND.

Creating an API Secret in ChatGPT

Immediately Copy the new Secret Key where prompted as it will not be fully displayed again.

In ActiveDEMAND, go to the Integrations section: <Administration, <Account Settings and Click Integrations.

Under Third Part Integrations, Click Add New and Select ChatGPT from the Drop-down menu

Paste the API Secret Code and click Save.

Once you have your integration set up, in any editor where the 'Ask ChatGPT' feature is exposed, you can insert enter your Prompt where it says Ask ChatGPT, and click the blue OpenAI logo. Momentarily, the response will be generated. You can then click Insert Response to add the AI generated text into your content block:

Also you will now have access the ChatGPT workflow action in your Drip campaigns. More on this can be found here

Updated on: 18/07/2023

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