Articles on: Marketing Automation

Do you have an explanation of ActiveDEMAND's cookie and tracking policy for us to use for our GDPR compliance?

Do you have an explanation of ActiveDEMAND's cookie and tracking policy for us to use for our GDPR compliance?

How Does ActiveDEMAND Track

ActiveDEMAND is a behavioural marketing automation system that tracks individual prospect's engagement with marketing assets through various technologies. The main technologies being used are

Transparent Pixels
Tracking scripts
Phone call recording
Online chat
Encoded links
Social media engagement


A cookie is a small data text file that a web site sends to your browser, which is stored on your system. Websites can only access the information from a cookie sent by the Site. ActiveDEMAND cannot access cookies sent by other web sites or the information contained therein. Additionally, ActiveDEMAND cannot learn your e-mail address or any other information about a website visitor through the use of a cookie. The only way ActiveDEMAND can learn such information is if the visitor specifically and voluntarily submits that information to ActiveDEMAND, for example, by entering data on one of the ActiveDEMAND webforms.

Some cookies are required for technical reasons in order for ActiveDEMAND assets to operate. These are referred to as “essential” or “strictly necessary” cookies. Other cookies enable ActiveDEMAND to track and target the interests of visitors to a web asset. These cookies are referred to as “performance” or “functionality” cookies. For example, the use of cookies helps ActiveDEMAND give you a more personalized experience to the visitor either by presenting more relevant content and/or suppressing content that is no longer relevant. The information is used to keep the web asset fresh and relevant to you the user. Cookies also identify an individual visitor, thus not requiring the visitor to retype e-mail addresses each time you access the assets. You may decline to accept cookies sent by ActiveDEMAND by selecting an option on your browser to reject cookies. However, portions of the ActiveDEMAND asset which require registration will not be accessible to you. Cookies enable our server to know that you are a registered user, and will eliminate the need for you to re-submit your information in each time you access a protected asset. We also enable our users to employ cookies and similar tracking technologies in connection with their use of our Services in order to allow our users to track their subscribers.

Identifying ActiveDEMAND Cookies
The cookies that start with:


These cookies are used to identify an individual user on a web asset. As with all cookies, ActiveDEMAND does not track cross-domain engagement.

Note: Users not wanting to be tracked by ActiveDEMAND cookies can either block all cookies, browse incognito, or not browse the site.

Transparent Pixels

A transparent pixel is an image file that is embedded in an email. When the file is loaded into an email client the image is uploaded from an ActiveDEMAND server. This enables ActiveDEMAND to register that an email has been opened. A transparent pixel is the same as any image on an email, this is not strictly required to track an email open; the transparent pixel ensures at least one image is included on every email.

Note: Users not wanting to be tracked by ActiveDEMAND Transparent pixels can choose not to download images.

Tracking scripts

ActiveDEMAND uses a tracking script to track website engagement. The tracking script, if embedded on a web page, will call back to the ActiveDEMAND. This enables ActiveDEMAND to capture website visit information, link clicks, time on a page, etc.

Note: Users not wanting to be tracked by ActiveDEMAND scripts can disallowing java-scripts to run on the website.

Phone recording

Any call made using an ActiveDEMAND tracked number can be potentially recorded. The configuration of this is done on a per number basis by the user of ActiveDEMAND. In many regions phone call recording requires at least one (if not both) of the parties to have knowledge of the recording. ActiveDEMAND offers users the ability to configure a ‘whisper’ or a ‘preamble’ message the alerts the caller that the call is being recorded.

Note: Users not wanting to have their call recorded by ActiveDEMAND can avoid this by choosing not to proceed with a recorded call.

Online chat

ActiveDEMAND records all conversations made using Crisp chat. This is used to detect interests and or capture contact information.

Note: Users not wanting to be tracked by ActiveDEMAND during a chat either by blocking java-scripts in the browser or by not engaging on chat.

ActiveDEMAND is a link tracking platform. An ActiveDEMAND user can create tracked links to collect information on who is interested in a specific topic/website/etc. The link, when clicked, ActiveDEMAND will capture the IP address of the requester, the destination of the link, and if possible, upload a cookie to the person’s browser.

Note: Users not wanting to be tracked by ActiveDEMAND should not click on the tracked links.

Updated on: 11/10/2022