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Definitions (Terms) Used in ActiveDEMAND Reports

Definitions Used in Reports

Reports Definitions

Social Post Impression: When someone views a post, this is considered an impression. This is the lowest level of engagement with a social media post. As most social media platforms do not give the contact details of an impression, a social media post Impression data is presented as an aggregate.

Social Post Engagement: When a person sees a social media post and decides the post is somewhat important, the person can take some action on the post. This action is measured as Engagement. Types of Engagements are link clicks, retweets, comments, likes, etc. This is a stronger engagement than a simple impression and often the social media platforms will give the contact details related to a social engagement.

Anonymous Visitor: Every person who interacts with an ActiveDEMAND tracked website and does not have any identifiable contact information.

Contact: A person who is represented by a record within ActiveDEMAND.

Signal: A Contact activity that is captured and tracked by ActiveDEMAND. For example, web page visits, email open, form submit, etc.

Lead Score: A numerical value assigned to a Contact that indicates the degree of sales readiness. Every Signal can impact the Lead Score, both positively and negatively. Not all Contacts can accumulate Lead Scores. For example, employees cannot accumulate lead scores.

Lead Score Multiplier: The numerical modifier of the impact a Signal has on a Lead Score. Context can have an impact on the importance of a specific activity. For example, if an admin person attends a webinar, the webinar attendance Signal may be scored lower than if an executive attends the webinar.

Campaign: A campaign is an initiative that a marketer does to apply pressure to a group of people to try to get the individuals to take some measurable action.

Goal: A goal is a measurable action that the marketer is trying to get a prospect to take that demonstrates the campaign was successful. A goal typically measures some nontrivial action that, if completed, indicates success for the campaign.

Goal Tag: Goals can be classified using a tagging system. If your goals have a tag, the reports that include goals can be filtered by your goal tags.

Conversion: A signal generated by a prospect. A Marketer will apply pressure to a set of Contacts with the intent of getting the Contact to generate one or more measurable Signals. These Signals are viewed as Conversions. Any Contact can generate multiple Conversions. The base conversions are form submits, asset downloads, phone calls, and chats. Goal completions can be configured to be viewed as a conversion. It is recommended that you use Goals instead of Conversions to measure your marketing effectiveness. Marketers have complete control over Goal definition.

Visible Contact: A contact that has at least one web session on their timeline (i.e. has their anonymity removed)

Lead: Any Contact that has had at least one Conversion.

Lead Quality: This is the ratio of lead notifications to rejected leads.

New Lead: A Contact becomes a New Lead after its first Conversion. A New Lead has never been a Lead before. Typically anonymity is removed during this step.

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL): A Contact that has generated some type of signal that triggers a notification to an employee of the account via a Sales Notification Action (or a Post to CRM action) in a Lead workflow. This typically requires the Contact to have a Lead Score above a certain value or to meet some specific profile requirements (title, geographic region, etc.).

Lead Notification: This is an email that has been sent to the sales team via the ‘Email to Sales’ Lead Notification Workflow or has been posted to a CRM via a 'Post To CRM' action.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): A salesperson can take ownership/responsibility for a Lead. This is called “Claiming a Lead”. A Lead can be claimed by only one salesperson. The lead is now considered 'sales qualified' by setting the contact manager on a contact. The assigned person is known as the Contact Manager/Contact Owner.

Contact Manager: The person who is currently set as the 'owner' of a contact. This can be achieved by 'claiming' a lead or setting the contact manager during import, or by changing the contact manager on the contact edit page.

Rejected Lead: The Lead that has been deemed “not ready for sales” by a single salesperson. Multiple salespeople can reject a Lead. Rejecting a Lead does not impact the ability to Claim a Lead. Rejecting a Lead may reduce the Contact’s Lead Score.

Released Lead: The Claim a Salesperson has on a Lead can be relinquished. The Released Lead is now available for assignment to any Salesperson. Releasing a Lead may reduce the Lead Score.

Unclaimed Lead: A Lead that currently has no contact manager.

Contact > Visible Contact (Anonymity Removed) > Conversion > Lead > Conversions > Marketing Qualified Lead > Customer

Email Report Statistics

Sent: The number of emails that were sent to contacts that had an email address and were not unsubscribed before the email was sent

Bounced: Distinct number of emails that were rejected by the target server

Delivered: Distinct number of emails Sent - number of emails that Bounced

Opened: Distinct number of emails that were opened at least once

Clicked: Distinct number of emails that had a link click

Unsubscribed: Distinct number of contacts that unsubscribed

Open Rate: distinct opened / delivered

Click Rate: distinct clicked / delivered

Unsubscribe Rate: distinct unsubscribed/delivered

Bounce Rate: distinct bounced/delivered

Goal Completions: Total number of goals completed (not distinct)

Updated on: 25/09/2024