Articles on: Lists & Reference Doc's

Do you have a list of all of the dynamic fields (merge fields, short codes)?

Do you have a list of all of the dynamic fields (merge fields, short codes)?

This list is constantly changing as the platform grows.... this is NOT the latest, but the more popular items. You can always access the up to date full list using the context menus in the product.

For example, in web form's:

In the Builders:

In the workflow builder actions:

%TODAY_DATE%Today - DateToday as a date (2013-05-15)
%TODAY_DATETIME%Today - Date TimeToday as a date with time (2013-05-15 15:46:35)
%CONTACT.FIRST_NAME%First NameContact first name
%CONTACT.LAST_NAME%Last NameContact last name
%CONTACT.NAME%Full NameContact full name
%CONTACT.TWITTER_HANDLE%Twitter HandleContact twitter handle (@username)
%CONTACT.LEAD_SCORE.SCORE%Lead ScoreContact lead score value (0-100)
%CONTACT.EDIT_LINK%ActiveDEMAND Contact URLDirect link to access the contact data
%CONTACT.EMAIL.EMAIL_ADDRESS%Contact Email AddressContact email address
%CONTACT.LAST_SESSION%Last Web SessionThe last web session for this contact
%CONTACT.RELATED().FIRST_NAME%First name of contact'sFirst name of contact's
%CONTACT.RELATED().LAST_NAME%Last name of contact'sLast name of contact's
%CONTACT.RELATED().EMAIL.EMAIL_ADDRESS%Email address of contact'sEmail address of contact's
%CONTACT.RELATED_FIRST_NAME%Related Contact First NameThe related person's first name (only applies if you've queried on a related contacts attributes
CONTACT.RELATED_LAST_NAME%Related Contact Last NameThe related person's last name (only applies if you've queried on a related contacts attributes
%CONTACT.RELATED_DOB%,Related contact Date Of BirthThe related person's dob (only applies if you've queried on a related contacts attributeswon't handle twins)
%CONTACT.RELATED_NEXT_BIRTHDAY%Related Contact's Next Birthday
%SUBMITTED_FORM.SUBMITTED_FROM_URL%The related person's next birthday (only applies if you've queried on a related contacts attributesxx
%SUBMITTED_FORM.ACCESS_URL%Form Submit URLURL form was submitted from
%SUBMITTED_FORM.EMAIL_ADDRESS%Submitted Email AddressEmail address field from the form (if there was one)
%SUBMITTED_FORM.PHONE_NUMBER%Submitted Phone NumberPhone number field from the form (if there was one)
%SUBMITTED_FORM.COMMENTS%Submitted CommentsComment field from the form (if there was one)
%SUBMITTED_FORM.SELECTED_OPTION%Submitted Radio Button SelectionsSelected radio option(s) if there are any
%SUBMITTED_FORM.CREATED_AT%Submit TimestampTimestamp the form was submitted at
%SUBMITTED_FORM.SUBMITTED_FORM_FIELDS.ALL%All Form FieldsA list of all fields submitted in a form and the value submitted
%SUBMITTED_FORM.FIELDS_WITH_VALUES.ALL%Submitted Field-Value pairsA list of all fields submitted in a form and the value submitted where the value is present
%SUBMITTED_FORM.ORDERED_SUBMITTED_VALUES%Submitted ValuesAn ordered list of all submitted form fields
%SUBMITTED_FORM.RELATED_VISITS%Related Page VisitsPage visits related to the form submit
%CONTACT_HISTORY.SUBMITTED_FORM.FORM.NAME%Submitted form nameThe name of the form that the contact submitted
%CONTACT_HISTORY.COMMENTS%Submitted Form CommentsThe comments field for this contact history item (submitted form comments email log html body chat transcript)
%ACCOUNT.BUSINESS_NAME%Account Business NameAccount Business Name (your company, not your prospect's company)
%ACCOUNT.TAGLINE%Account TaglineThis is the main tagline for the business
%ACCOUNT.WEBSITE_TYPE().URL%URL of the website with specific typeURL of the website with type for this account
%ACCOUNT.SOCIAL_MEDIA_TYPE().URL%Account Social Media URLURL of the social media site with type for this account
%STATIC_SOCIAL_MEDIA_LINKS%Social Media LinksLinks for all account's social media pages
%STATIC_FACEBOOK_LINK%Facebook URLLink for account's facebook page
%STATIC_TWITTER_LINK%,Twitter URLLink for account's twitter pageHTML and text
%STATIC_INSTAGRAM_LINK%Instagram URL Link for account's instagram pageHTML and text
%STATIC_LINKEDIN_LINK%LinkedIn URL Link for account's linkedin pageHTML and text
%STATIC_PINTEREST_LINK%Pnterest URL Link for account's pinterest pageHTML and text
%ACCOUNT.ADDRESS.ADDRESS%Account Street AddressStreet Address of the main office for the Account
%ACCOUNT.ADDRESS.CITY%Account CityCity of the main office of the Account
%ACCOUNT.ADDRESS.PROVINCE%Account province/stateAccount province/state
%ACCOUNT.ADDRESS.POSTAL_CODE%Account postal code/zip codeAccount postal code/zip code
%ACCOUNT.TOLL_FREE_NUMBER.PHONE_NUMBER%Account Toll Free Phone NumberThe business's main toll free number
%ACCOUNT.WEBSITE.URL%Account Business Website URLYour Account's Corporate Website URL
%ACCOUNT.TWITTER_URL.URL%Account Twitter URLThis is the Business Twitter account URL
%ACCOUNT.FACEBOOK_URL.URL%Account Facebook URLURL of the business Facebook page

%EMAIL_BROKER_REQUEST.SUBJECT%Subject line of the email broker requestNULL
%EMAIL_BROKER_REQUEST.TEXT%Text body of the email broker requestNULL
%EMAIL_BROKER_REQUEST.HTML%HTML body of the email broker requestNULL
%EMAIL_BROKER_REQUEST.FROM%Email Broker: FromFrom email address from the email broker request
%EMAIL_BROKER_REQUEST.SENDER.NAME%Sender's full name from the email broker requestNULL
%EMAIL_BROKER_REQUEST.SENDER.FIRST_NAME%Email Broker: Sender First NameSender's first name from the email broker request
%EMAIL_BROKER_REQUEST.SENDER.LAST_NAME%Senders last name from the email broker requestNULL
%LAST_HISTORY.EMAIL_LOG.EMAIL_OPENS.ALL%Email Open TimestampsTimestamps for all email opens on the last email sent to the prospect in the workflow
%LAST_HISTORY.EMAIL_LOG.EMAIL_LINK_CLICKS.ALL%Last Email Link ClicksTimestamps and urls for all email link clicks on the last email sent to the prospect in the workflow
%CAMPAIGN.CTA().URL%CTA URLThe published URL for the named CTA page
%CAMPAIGN.WEBINAR.NAME%Webinar NameName of the campaign webinar
%CAMPAIGN.WEBINAR.DESCRIPTION%Webinar DescriptionDescription of the campaign webinar
%CAMPAIGN.WEBINAR.START_TIME%Webinar Start Date-TimeStart date time of the campaign webinar
%CAMPAIGN.WEBINAR.LENGTH%Webinar LengthLength in minutes of the campaign webinar
%CAMPAIGN.WEBINAR.RESULTS%Webinar ResultsResults for the campaign webinar
%BRAND.LOGO.URL%Brand Logo Image URLThe image url for the brand logo
%BRAND.EMAIL_HEADER.URL%Brand Email Header Image URLThis is the URL for the brand/theme Email Header Image
%BRAND.FAVICON.URL%Brand Favicon URLThis is the URL for the Favicon URL
%BRAND.TAGLINE%Brand TaglineThe tagline for the brand

%BRAND.FONT_FAMILY%Brand Font FamilyThe font family for the brand/theme
%BRAND.BRAND_COLOR%Brand Gradient Start ColourThe brand css colour. Used on Banner/Button/headers/dressings
%BRAND.TEXT_ACCENT_COLOR%Brand Heading ColourThe brand css text accent colour used for H1 H2 etc
%BRAND.LINK_COLOR%Brand Link ColourThe brand css link colour
%BRAND.BRAND_TEXT_COLOR%Brand Text ColourBanner/Button/headers/dressing font colour
%BRAND.BACKGROUND_COLOR%Background ColourThe brand css background colour for the specified brand/theme
%BRAND.BRAND_ACCENT_COLOR%Brand Gradient 2 colourGradient 2 colour
%STATIC_WEBINAR_JOIN_URL%Contact specific webinar join url

%CONTACT.REJECT_LINK% | Lead Reject Claim | Link to reject this contact as a lead |
%CONTACT.CLAIM_LINK% | Lead Claim Link | Link to claim this contact as a lead |
%CONTACT.LEAD_REJECTIONS.ALL% | Lead Rejection Reasons | A list of all reasons for the contact to be rejected as a lead |
%CONTACT_HISTORY.CREATED_AT% | Contact History Timestamp | Timestamp for when the contact history element was entered |
%CONTACT_HISTORY.WEBINAR_ATTENDEE.WEBINAR_ANSWERS.ALL% | Webinar Poll Answers | Webinar poll answers for the webinar that was attended |
%CONTACT_HISTORY.WEBINAR_ATTENDEE.RESULTS% | Webinar Attendance Results | Gives results such as: Attended for 108 seconds |
%SUBMITTED_FORM.CLEAN_SUBMITTED_FROM_URL% | Form Submit URL - Cleaned | URL form was submitted from with campaign parameters cleaned |
%SUBMITTED_FORM.CLEAN_ACCESS_URL% | Protected Asset URL - cleaned URL | the user was trying to access when filling out the form cleaned of campaign parameters|
%SUBMITTED_FORM.CLEAN_RELATED_VISITS% | Related Page Visits - cleaned | Page visits related to the form submit cleaned of campaign parameters |
%CONTACT.ACCOUNT.BUSINESS_NAME% | Contact Employer | Contact employer company name |
%CONTACT2.FIRST_NAME% | Second Contact First Name | First name of the second contact in a form submit |
%CONTACT2.LAST_NAME% | Second Contact Last Name | Last name of the second contact in a form submit |
%CONTACT2.DOB% | Second Contact Date of Birth | Date of Birth of the second contact in a form submit |

Updated on: 21/10/2022

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