Articles on: Marketing Automation

Creating Custom Email Notification Templates

Creating Custom Email Notification Templates in ActiveDEMAND

To create a custom email template for a specific use, you create the template under Assets => Email Template Library and under Email Properties select the Template Use:

Custom Templates

The system will first look for a template in this order:

In the account
In the agency account
Below are a list of the supported custom templates and the dynamic terms that are needed for each one.

User Confirmation

This is used for the confirmation email when creating a new account. It needs to have the following dynamic terms in order to work correctly:


User Password Reset

This is used when a user tries to reset their password. It needs to have the following dynamic terms in order to work correctly:


User 2 Factor Authentication

This is used when a user has 2-factor authentication setup. It needs to have the following dynamic terms in order to work correctly:

Verification Code: %AUTHENTICATION_CODE%

User Unlock

This is used when a user tries to unlock their account. It needs to have the following dynamic terms in order to work correctly:


Call Completion Automation

This is the template used to send emails to customers using the call completion template. It needs to have the following dynamic terms in order to work correctly:

Call completion subject line: %CALL_AUTOMATION.SUBJECT%

Sender Name: %SENDER.NAME%

Sender email address: %SENDER.EMAIL.EMAIL_ADDRESS%

Call completion message body: %CALL_AUTOMATION.MESSAGE%


Custom Email Notifications

Content Notification

This is the template that will be used to send the built in notification for the content moderation process. It needs to have the following dynamic terms in order to work correctly:

Built in notification text: %NOTIFICATION%

Updated on: 05/10/2022

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