Articles on: Later Living

Best Practice for CNAME Record Setup for Senior Living Accounts

Best Practice for CNAME Record Setup for Senior Living Accounts

The following information/scenarios outline the best practice for setting up Landing Page and Link Branding CNAME records for Senior Living Accounts.

Multi-Account Websites

when the communities under a master account are all just sections of the same website (share a website domain)


' '

The landing page domain and the link branding domain should be the same CNAME record
this CNAME record should be unique for each community


Landing Page Domain =
Link Branding Domain =

CNAME Records setup

Single-Account Websites

when each community has a separate domain

Landing Page Domain =
Link Branding Domain =

The following information/scenarios outline the best practice for setting up Email Sending Domain CNAME records for Senior Living Accounts.

When all communities share the same email sending domain as the Agency Account (top level)
contact to share the CNAME record from the top level account to the subaccounts

For any communities that share the same email sending domain that is NOT the same as the Agency Account (top level)
advise the domain information
communities that are sharing domain information

When communities each have a unique email sending domain (not a shared domain)
set the Email Sending Domain on the account(s)
Email Sending Domain = ''

Best practice for CNAME record setup

Domain Whitelabeling (SSL)

After entering the above information in Administration <Account Settings <CNAME Record Setup, we recommend setting up SSL, which will ensure that your ActiveDEMAND landing pages and links are secure.

We recommend setting up SSL before you set the CNAME records with your DNS provider, so that the endpoints do not have to be set twice.

You can see all the endpoints that need to be set with your DNS provider in Administration <Account Settings <View Whitelabeling. Once the CNAME records have been set, the values will show as positive (the checkboxes will be checked).

Add the CNAME&apos;s to your Website DNS

Updated on: 11/10/2022