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Integrating Welcome Home CRM with ActiveDEMAND

Integrating Welcome Home CRM with ActiveDEMAND

Supercharge WelcomeHome CRM - Accelerate your Sales

ActiveDEMAND adds some killer features to WelcomeHome CRM:

Automating Lead Score progressions
Automatic Prospect/Contact creation
Contact insertions
Activity scheduling
Scheduled contact sync

If you are interested in trying this out, get your FREE trial account here: Click For Free Trial

The Basics

ActiveDEMAND is used to market to prospects, nurture leads, and report on marketing/sales results. Not all data from ActiveDEMAND should go to WelcomeHome CRM ... there are many very early stage actions that a prospect may take that are not yet ready for sales engagement. Using Automation, you can determine which prospect activities are ready for WelcomeHome CRM and which are not. The base case: Data flowing to WelcomeHome CRM from ActiveDEMAND happens when a prospect does something that ActiveDEMAND is tracking. For example, a prospect fills out a form, this could create a new prospect in WelcomeHome CRM.

Note: The flow of data FROM ActiveDEMAND to WelcomeHome CRM is controlled in the Lead Processing workflows (Automation->Lead Processing).

If we can make the assumption that marketing 'assumes' a lot of things about a prospect, and that the sales people 'know' what is going on with a prospect, then we can assume that the data in WelcomeHome CRM is 'more accurate' than that in ActiveDEMAND. Thus when a contact updates in WelcomeHome CRM, we should tell ActiveDEMAND about the contact.

Note: Data flowing FROM WelcomeHome CRM to ActiveDEMAND is handled automatically using the Import Scheduler (Contacts->CRM Contact Updates).

The CRM Contact Update system sets up the connection between WelcomeHome CRM to AD.

Setting Up WelcomeHome CRM and ActiveDEMAND Communication

In WelcomeHome CRM

As an administrator, you will need to set up an API key for communication with your ActiveDEMAND account.

Browse to API Tokens:

Create a New API Token

Copy the token


If you do not have an account yet ... get your FREE trial account here: Click For Free Trial

Once you have your WelcomeHome API Key ...

Step 1:

In ActiveDEMAND, go to the account settings (Administration->Account Settings) Scroll down to the 'Integrations Tab', click on the 'Add Application'

Scroll down find Third Party Apps, click the Add Application Button

Select 'WelcomeHome CRM' from the list:

Enter the WelcomeHome CRM API Key that you received from WelcomeHome support.

Click Save.

Now on every contact details page (in ActiveDEMAND), on the Activity Timeline, and on the contact details section you will see a Post to CRM button.

Clicking the button will post the prospect to WelcomeHome CRM.

Step 2

Whenever a contact is pushed to WelcomeHome CRM from ActiveDEMAND, the standard and custom fields in ActiveDEMAND can be mapped to the standard/custom fields in WelcomeHome CRM. You must set this mapping up for ActiveDEMAND to know which fields to update in WelcomeHome CRM. In the Account Settings (Administration->Account Settings), scroll down to the Integrations Tab.

You can map ActiveDEMAND fields to WelcomeHome CRM Fields:

Step 3:

In ActiveDEMAND, under Automation->Lead Processing you can customize your lead distribution and lead management. If you have access to the Sales Lead Notifications or Phone Call Sales Notification workflows, you now will see a new workflow item in the Workflow Actions.

NOTE: If your Sales Lead Notifications workflow is read only, send an email to, they will add the WelcomeHome CRM workflow element to your workflow for you.

This action will give you the ability to post/update a Prospects in WelcomeHome CRM. Everything requires a Prospect in WelcomeHome CRM, thus this object creates/updates Prospects and can create associated contacts as well.

The two modes of this action are

Mode 1: Primary Contact is the Prospect

Mode 2: Related contact is the Prospect

In Mode 2, the contact that filled out the form is also created using the associated relationship in the configuration.

Importing Contacts From WelcomeHome CRM, <ActiveDEMAND

After WelcomeHome CRM has been linked to your account, importing contacts is easy. In ActiveDEMAND, browse to Contacts->Import Contacts. You should see an option for pulling contacts from WelcomeHome CRM:

You will be given full control over what to do if contacts exist, what fields map to what, etc.

Automatically update contacts in ActiveDEMAND from WelcomeHome CRM

One of the more powerful features of the ActiveDEMAND-WelcomeHome CRM integration is the ability to update contacts in ActiveDEMAND automatically. To automatically pull changes from WelcomeHome CRM to ActiveDEMAND, use the contact import connection to ensure the WelcomeHome Contact data is always in ActiveDEMAND. The import Connection (Contacts->CRM Contact Updates ) filter system allows you to have full control over what gets data and which contacts are automatically updated in ActiveDEMAND.

Note: as with any import, ActiveDEMAND will never delete data as a result of an import. Most fields will 'update' as a result of an import with the exception of phone numbers and email addresses. As a contact can have more than one email address, an import will add email addresses and phone numbers to the existing list.

Things To Know

One WelcomeHome Prospect with Two Contacts

If a Prospect exists in Welcome Home CRM that has two associated contacts with the same email address, ActiveDEMAND will create one contact and use the following pattern

First Name:Contact 1 First Name & Contact 2 First Name

Last Name:Contact 1 Last Name

and they will have the same email address

The influencer has the same email address as a Prospect

If an influencer exists that has the same email address as a Prospect, ActiveDEMAND will not import the influencer.

Activity Posting Workflow

Often is the case that you want to add activity logs to a contact such that they show up within WelcomeHome. There is a utility workflow that will automatically appear in your account once you have set up the Welcome Home integration.

The workflow is configured to trigger when common contact activities are detected in ActiveDEMAND.

Updated on: 09/11/2022