Articles on: Agency Reporter & Starter

Setting Up Sales/Marketing Pipelines in ActiveDEMAND

Sales/Marketing Pipelines in ActiveDEMAND

Setting up

The ActiveDEMAND Pipeline Object

Each Deal or Opportunity in ActiveDEMAND belongs to a Sales/Marketing Pipeline. A pipeline is a set of stages or statuses that define a Deal.

To set up your Pipelines, you will require admin permissions.

Browse to <Administration <Account Settings <Pipelines in your account settings.

Locate your Deal Pipelines

Pipeline Editor

Pipeline Details

Pipeline Name
Pipeline Description
Pipeline Deal Stages (these can be re-ordered by dragging)
Pipeline Deal Statuses
Status can be one of [Open, Closed-Won, Closed-Lost]

When a deal is changed to any status that is 'Closed', the actual closed date is set. If you set a deal to 'Closed-Won', a won-deal history item is created on the timeline of the primary contact.
If you delete a deal in your CRM, the deal will be deleted in ActiveDEMAND.

The ActiveDEMAND Deal Object

The ActiveDEMAND Deal object is described by a set of standard fields and custom fields.

Deal Editor

Deal Fields

Estimated Close date
Pipeline (Funnel)
A set of Custom Fields
Deal Connections

Deal Connections

Deal Connections Editor

A deal has associated connections to Contacts and Organisations

Connected Contact
Primary contact (can only be one)
Connected Organisation

For the most part, the majority of the settings are created automatically when you integrate with your CRM. The exception being Deal Custom fields, these will need to be created by your account administrator (see Managing Custom Fields).

Enabling Deal Objects

The ActiveDEMAND Deal Objects are created when ActiveDEMAND detects a deal has been created. You will have mapped the deal fields in your CRM Contact Update setup (Contacts-<CRM Contact Updates). If you do not map to the ActiveDEMAND standard Deal fields, ActiveDEMAND will not create deal objects.

Deal stage

If you map your external CRM Deal fields to ActiveDEMAND Contact custom fields, the deal objects will NOT be created.

If you have mapped the fields correctly, ActiveDEMAND will automatically create the deal stages, deal statuses, and deal pipelines as it detects incoming deals. As well ActiveDEMAND will automatically detect contact connections to the deals.

If you map your external CRM Deal fields to ActiveDEMAND Contact custom fields, the deal objects will NOT be created.

If you have mapped the fields correctly, ActiveDEMAND will automatically create the deal stages, deal statuses, and deal pipelines as it detects incoming deals. As well ActiveDEMAND will automatically detect contact connections to the deals.

Viewing Deals

If you make changes to an ActiveDEMAND deal object (either manually or using automation), these changes will not be automatically pushed to your CRM. The CRM is viewed as the data master, thus the deal changes must be made in your CRM. If you make changes to the deal object in ActiveDEMAND, these changes will be overwritten by the CRM when a Contact, Account, or Deal changes in the CRM. If you need to use automation to change the CRM deal object, use the CRM-specific Post To CRM workflow action.

The deals that are created as a result of a deal being created in your CRM, there are several places that you can interact with the deals in your ActiveDEMAND account.

Interacting with Deals On Your Dashboard

There is a deal Kanban dashboard widget that will allow you to view and interact with the deals within the associated account.

Deal Kanban

This widget will provide a card-based interface for viewing and interacting with Deal objects

Interacting with Deals on the Contact Record

On every Contact record, there is a deals tab. You will be able to interact with the deals associated with that specific contact

Contacts and Deals Tab

Interacting with Deals on the Organisation Record

Similarly, there is a deals tab on the Organisation records that shows all deals that are either directly associated with the company or any deals that are associated with employees of the company

Organisation and Deals Tab

Interacting with deals in workflows

Typically the deals are created either manually using the Create Deal button, or can be automatically created from the source CRM. You can trigger campaigns using the deal-changed starting step:

Workflow Deal Object

If the campaign is triggered using this starting step, the ActiveDEMAND deal object can be acted on within that campaign directly. You can set custom fields on the deal using the

Set Custom Fields

ActiveDEMAND will NOT update the deals in your external CRM automatically

When updating deal statuses using automation, you MUST interact with the external CRM's version of the deal, not ActiveDEMAND's version of the deal. Any changes to the deal within ActiveDEMAND are not reflected in the deal in the CRM. Thus any changes that are made to the Deal in ActiveDEMAND will NOT be reflected in the external CRM. Any changes to the deals in your CRM will overwrite the changes you have made to deals in ActiveDEMAND. Thus if you are updating a deal, use the CRM workflow action to update the external deal, let the CRM update the deal in ActiveDEMAND.

Updated on: 07/12/2022

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